Acid, Rocks, and Rollers invited artists to explore what home means to them. Whether home is a place, a person, or a feeling, artists were encouraged to create a dialogue about community and belonging.

Printmaking has long been a tool for activism and a medium of resistance. Thinking about the urgency of homelessness, the printmaking club donated our proceeds to the 6th Street Center which actively combats homelessness in Butte County. Homelessness is an ever-expanding issue, with over 150,000 homeless people in California alone, and we hope to reduce that in any way we can with this year’s print exchange. The theme “Home” is a means for artists to reflect on personal security, as well as an opportunity to engage in social activism to address the complex issues of homelessness.

Special thanks to all the members of Acid, Rocks, and Rollers, Rae Helms, Brandon Hernandez, Jalisa Sousa-Silva, Jessica Pellet, Haley Johnston, and Mckenzie Kushmaul, who have worked hard to organize the exhibition and fundraising $1500 donated to the 6th Street Center for LGBT Youth. Additionally, thank you Eileen Macdonald and Laura Nice for your support and encouragement towards the printmaking club. Without you all, this exhibition and fundraiser would not be possible.

Flyer Workshop and Sale Home Exhibition Home Exhibition